
A_BEST Business Lounge (http://abest-lounge.com/), a modern solution which offers workspaces for flexible companies, offers membership-based affordable offices for entrepreneurs from Bucharest depending on the needs of every business.

Located in an ultracentral area, Dorobanţi – Romană, A_BEST Business Lounge has individual offices just for you and your team, and the workspace is suitable for entrepreneurs who do not have many employees and who need little space for storing the equipment they work with.

The offices and the two event rooms benefit from natural light, have a modern design for the technical and security needs of a small team. Furthermore, we can also offer secretarial services upon request. The workspaces can be rented for an hour, a day or a certain number of days a month or for an entire month, which reduces workspace costs. The subscriptions have prices which range from 50 to 800 lei + VAT and may include access to one of the event rooms.







At A_BEST Business Lounge one can rent conference rooms to organize events: workshops, presentations, meetings, interviews. The rooms are fully equipped for events with maximum 25 people and have a videoprojector, flipchart, wireless internet. The cost to book a conference room ranges from 150 to 250 lei + VAT, depending on the duration of the event.

“Most of our clients want to have a separate office where they can work, but also access to a meeting room. At the same time, they are interested in knowing other companies and other entrepreneurs with whom they can interact. In addition, the ultracentral location of the building is an asset for both company employees and customers or partners with whom companies collaborate, as they can easily reach the headquarters from any area of the capital,” stated Aura Icodin, founder of A_BEST Business Lounge.

At present, A_BEST Business Lounge clients are from fields such as IT, European funds, recruitment, training and consultancy, marketing and PR.

Aura Icodin is also the founder of the A_BEST Foreign Language Centre, one of the largest independent foreign language centers in Bucharest for the corporate segment.

About A_BEST Business Lounge

Created in 2015, as a mix between the office style and the hub version, A_BEST Business Lounge comes with a new solution which offers private offices and conference rooms for small entrepreneurs and freelancers in Bucharest. For further details please go to http://abest-lounge.com/?page_id=6

For subscriptions please contact us at the following e-mail address: office@abest-lounge.com or at 0762 274 914.

Special offer for BRCC members:

BRCC members benefit from a 10% discount for any A_BEST Business Lounge services until March 31, 2019.