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BRCC Events

Navigating Stress and Psychosomatic Effects in the Workplace: Building a Culture of Wellbeing for Organizational Success
We are glad to organize together with Regina Maria – The Private Healthcare Network the event entitled Navigating Stress and Psychosomatic Effects in the Workplace: Building a Culture of Wellbeing for Organizational Success that will take place on the 3rd of April at Miro Offices (89A Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, Bucharest).
In the ever-evolving corporate landscape, the ability to manage stress and understand its psychosomatic impacts is paramount for fostering a healthy and productive work environment. This panel will delve into the intricate relationship between stress, physical health, and organizational performance, while highlighting the importance of cultivating a culture of wellbeing as a cornerstone for achieving organizational excellence.
Key Topics:
- The Psychosomatic Impact of Stress:Exploring how stress affects both the mind and body, and its implications for employee health and productivity.
- Effective Stress Management Techniques:Practical approaches to managing stress in the workplace, including mindfulness, resilience training, and supportive leadership.
- Creating a Wellbeing Culture:Strategies for embedding wellbeing into the organizational culture to enhance employee engagement and performance.
- Success Stories and Best Practices:Insights from organizations that have successfully implemented wellbeing initiatives and the positive outcomes they have achieved.
Event agenda:
9:30 – 10:00 Registration and welcome coffee
10:00-10:15 – Opening Remarks on behalf of BRCC and Regina Maria
10:15 – 11:45 – Multidisciplinary panel
11:45 – 13:00 – Networking
Adela Jansen – Board & Advisory Board Member
Speakers confirmed so far:
- Oana Popa – Health and Wellbeing Lead & Psiholog
- Dr. Alexandra Pirvulescu – Medic Specialist Medicina Generala, Medic Navigator
- Alice Donea – Psihoterapeut
More speakers to be announced soon!

Sky is the limit – Collaborate & Elevate!
The British Romanian Chamber of Commerce together with SkyTower Building and Raiffeisen Property International (RPHI) have the pleasure to invite you to the event Sky is the limit – collaborate & elevate! taking place on the 18th of March, at SkyTower Building, starting with 18:00.
Join us and connect with top professionals, spark new business opportunities, and dive into dynamic conversations that will fuel your growth!
Whether you want to expand your network or gain fresh industry insights, this event offers the perfect blend of social interaction and professional development.
Event Agenda:
- 18:00-18:30 – Welcome and registration
- 18:30-18:45 – Opening remarks
- 18:45-19:00 – Sky Tour
- 19:00-21:00 – Networking
Do not miss out on a relaxed evening filled with valuable connections, inspiration, and the chance to boost your business!
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