
Suciu Popa castiga pentru Rompetrol Well Services un litigiu de drept societar initiat de unul dintre actionarii minoritari. Cererea de chemare in judecata urmarea anularea unei hotarari a adunarii generale extraordinare a actionarilor pe motiv ca voturile unui actionar ce s-a abtinut de la vot au fost luate in calcul la stabilirea cvorumului, precum si obligarea consiliului de administratie la reconvocarea adunarii.

Solutia instantei prezinta relevanta in contextul in care clarifica intinderea interdictiilor stabilite de art. 127 din Legea nr. 31/1990 pentru actionarii aflati in conflict de interese, respectiv stabileste faptul ca voturile unui actionar care se abtine de la vot trebuie sa fie luate in considerare la stabilirea cvorumului necesar pentru desfasurarea sedintei. Totodata, solutia stabileste inexistenta in sarcina Consiliului de Administratie a unei obligatii de reconvocare automata a AGEA in ipoteza in care se constata neindeplinirea cvormului, precum si lipsa calitatii procesuale pasive a Consiliului de Administratie in ipoteza in care acestuia nu i s-a adresat o solicitare de reconvocare a AGEA.


Echipa Suciu Popa care a gestionat cu succes acest dosar a fost condusa de Miruna Suciu, Managing Partner si Dan Ciobanu, Partner, respectiv de Radu Chiran, Managing Associate.


Suciu Popa este una dintre cele mai importante societati de avocatura din Romania, cu performante notabile in toate ariile dreptului afacerilor si dreptului corporativ, litigiilor si disputelor administrative si comerciale, fiind clasata in mod constant de catre ghidurile locale si internationale in topul firmelor de avocatura din Romania. In luna iunie 2021, Suciu Popa a fost desemnata de catre Benchmark Litigation drept castigatoarea premiului pentru litigii de impact, iar Managing partner-ul Luminita Popa a fost desemnata avocatul litigant al anului in Romania de catre aceeasi publicatie.



Suciu Popa successfully represented Rompetrol Well Services in a corporate dispute generated by one of its minority shareholders. The claim sought to cancel a decision of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders  on the argument that the votes of a present but abstaining shareholder were taken into account when determining the quorum, as well as to oblige the board to reconvene the EGMS.


The court’s solution is relevant as it clarifies the scope of the limitations provided by art. 127 of Law no. 31/1990 for shareholders in conflict of interests, while establishing that the votes of a shareholder in conflict of interests must be taken into account when determining the necessary quorum for the meeting. At the same time, the court decision confirms the inexistence of the board of directors’ obligation to automatically reconvene the EGMS in case the meeting quorum is not met, as well as the lack of standing of the Board of Directors in the event it does not receive a shareholder request for reconvening the EGMS.


The team that successfully handled this dispute was led by Miruna Suciu – Managing Partner) and Dan Ciobanu – Partner, as well as by Radu Chiran – Managing Associate.


Suciu Popa is one of the most important law firms in Romania, with notable performances in business and corporate law, litigation, administrative and commercial disputes, being constantly ranked by local and international directories among the top tier law firms in Romania. In June 2021, Suciu Popa was awarded by Benchmark Litigation the Impact Case Award and managing partner Luminita Popa was awarded the Lawyer of the Year in Romania distinction.