The hybrid conference explores new investment opportunities in Romania while showcasing mutual best practices to enable and encourage business links between the UK and Romania. Key speakers from both public and private sectors will discuss how to build resilience for tomorrow’s world and invest in key sectors. BRCC aims to set the stage to meet the right people: the decision makers eager to make business connections and invest in the right business.
The 1-day conference aims at achieving new business links and knowledge sharing, where interested investors, entrepreneurs and actors in both markets set-up share business ideas and collaborations. In order to further strengthen the dissemination of know-how and expertise, webinars addressing main topics of the conference have been organized, with the purpose of raising awareness and attract interested UK companies.
The BRCC draws on its 23 years’ experience and brings together its business acumen and expertise of the members’ network, both in Romania and in the UK, and leverages the strong strategic partnerships it has built across British Chambers of Commerce, media partners and private and public sectors. Our aim is to give UK businesses a deeper understanding of the support available to help them succeed. We aim to bring together business leaders to share insight and best practices in their respective field.
The Right People – we set the stage for you to meet with the right people: the decision makers who are eager to make business connections and invest in the right business.
The Right Strategies – you will find out the latest strategies you can explore to grow your business and find out the latest trends to proactively plan for this year
The Right Place – this is the forum where you can learn the latest trends from industry thought leaders.
Duration & Agenda:
One Day Event (09.00-17.00)
08:00 — 9:00 -Welcome coffee & registration of participants
09:00 — 10:30 – PANEL I (Why invest in Romania now) – including topics such as:
– Attracting investments in Romania : growth opportunities to attract foreign companies on the market
– Financial & State Aid. Available Grants to Encourage Greenfield Investments
– Top regions most attractive for investors
10:30 — 11:00 Coffee Break & Networking
11:00 — 12:30 PANEL II (A Romanian Perspective on Competitive Power)
– Importance of small businesses in job creation
-Increase the innovative and competitive power of SMEs
–The impact of start-ups and SMEs on the Romanian market
-External benefits on economy-wide efficiency, innovation, and aggregate productivity growth
12:30 — 14:00 Networking Lunch
14.00 – 15.30 PANEL III (Going global and do business international -UK & Romania)
– Trade opportunities between UK & RO
– Trade opportunities after Brexit
– Case studies from companies doing international business between UK and Romania
16.00 – Concluding Remarks and End of Conference
Colin Lovering -Chairman of the BRCC
Neil McGregor – Vice-Chairman of the BRCC
Panel 1
Andrei Babadac – adviser at InvestRomania
Andrei Babadac is adviser at InvestRomania where he promotes Romania as business destination and helps companies to establish themselves on the Romanian market. He is passionate about new technologies and business development, succesfully implementing large projects in IT&C in the past years.
Iulian Sorescu, Partner, State Aid Expert, Noerr
Iulian Sorescu is member of ACCA UK, CECCAR, CAFR and AMCOR and heads our Financial, State Aid & Management Consulting Department. He coordinates the strategic advice offered to our clients in all business and financial issues such as financial advisory, financial due diligence, financial audit according to IFRS, US/German GAAP and Romanian standards, financial reporting and controlling, bookkeeping, payroll and management consulting. In particular, he helps our clients improve/maintain their financial performance by coaching and monitoring their internal activities and optimizing their structures. In 2008 Mr. Sorescu has developed our State Aid Department. Since then our team has successfully assisted many international companies in view of obtaining the financing approval for state aid, by preparing the business plan, business model as well as by providing assistance in relation to the Ministry of Public Finances. The projects represented either extension of production/business of international companies, or Greenfield investments.
Bogdan-Mihai Dumea – State Secretary – Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization
Bogdan Dumea, secretar de stat în cadrul Ministerului Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării, fost antreprenor în domeniul IT, care a ales să promoveze în țara noastră tehnologii de viitor. Are 36 de ani si o experiență îndelungată pe zona de IT&C.
De profesie dezvoltator și integrator de soluții IT, software si hardware, Bogdan Dumea are o vastă experiență în dezvoltarea, administrarea și găzduirea în cloud a soluțiilor software, proiectarea bazelor de date și modelarea datelor, precum și în integrarea de inteligență artificială (machine learning) în procese operaționale de previziune și automatizare tranzacții.
Este licențiat în management și are disertația în managementul strategic al firmei. Este un cunoscător al mediului antreprenorial din România, atât ca parte a acestuia, cât și în calitate de reprezentant al instituțiilor publice.
Cosmin Cristal – Brussels Office Representative | FDI Coordinator
The North-East Regional Development Agency (public utility NGO) is an active generator of economic and social development for the North-East Region of Romania. The North-East RDA develops strategies, attracts resources, identifies financing programs, implements EU-governed projects, and offers services for stimulating sustainable economic growth, investments, partnerships and entrepreneurial spirit.
Within the agency, I create a good environment for investors and facilitate a successful implementation of their projects in the North East Region of Romania. A key activity in doing that stands in the identification of possible economic value chains within the major key sectors in the regions, with missing links that can be transformed into opportunities.
Teodora Preoteasa – General Director – General Directorate for Programming and System Coordination at the Ministry of European Investments and Projects
Top level management with professional experience in European funds related to system coordination, programming and implementation of major projects funded by EU funds, international relations, diplomacy, and relevant experience in the private sector.
Mrs. Teodora Preoteasa has an experience of over 13 years in the field of public administration.
She has held the position of director general at the General Directorate for Programming and System Coordination at the Ministry of European Investments and Projects throughout 2017-2019 and from 2021 onwards.
She is currently coordinating the elaboration and development of the programmatic, institutional and procedural framework for the management of ESI Funds / non-reimbursable external funds for the period 2021-2027.
She is also responsible for ensuring the relationship with the European Commission as well as the coordination of the authorities and bodies with a role in the management of the European Funds and the EMFF, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation 1060/2021.
Panel 2
Ionut Nache – General Director at INAQ Consulting
Lead Auditor in more then 1000 first and second party since 1996;
Lead Auditor in more then 200 third party audits since 1998;
Trainer for quality management systems experts, internal auditors, second party and third party auditors since 2000;
IFS Management Partner in Romania and CEE since 2012;
GLOBALG.A.P. Partner in Romania since 2013;
EuropeSpa Med & Wellness Partner in Romania since 2013;
Temos International Healthcare Accreditation since 2014.
Catalin Nichifor – Managing Director NichiforConsulting
Catalin has over 20 years of turnaround and restructuring experience, working for a wide range of stakeholders across a variety of industries, during a career which has taken him from a large European subsidiary of a US automotive Tier 1 supplier, a global real estate investment manager player practice and to building his own successful business in Romania while also joining BM&T, in London. Sector experience goes from automotive, real state, energy production and distribution, to air and rail transportation, Catalin taking both executive and non-executive positions for the target companies. Catalin is the President of Turnaround Management Association Romania and he is based in Bucharest.
Mihaela Tudor – Serial Tech, PR & Media entrepreneur |⭐️Founder & CEO at TUDOR Communications &
Country Leader of the European Women’s Association | Mom of Brands| Magical Bridge Creator for journalists and entrepreneurs.
Passionate entrepreneur with 7 years background as journalist, winner of an Innovation award from the Club Antreprenor Magazine (2021), included by Capital magazine in the TOP 100 Successful Women of 2020, awarded by the Business Elite’s in Amsterdam (2019). Her business story as one of the youngest and most successful entrepreneurs in Romania was published in “The Economic Force of Women” book, written by Andreea Paul.
Yugo Neumorni – Chief Digital Officer at Cluster Power
Mr. Yugo Neumorni, CISA, EMBA joined Cluster Power as the new Chief Digital Officer. Previously he was the CIO and Board member for Cargus and CIO for Deloitte, Vimetco and Hidroelectrica. Having more than 28 years of experience in the IT industry, Yugo Neumorni is specialized in complex digital transformation processes in the industrial companies, IT systems redesign, IT security and cyber-defence programs, data privacy and GDPR, ERP & analytics projects and IT governance.
He is the president and co-founding member of CIO Council, the Association of IT Directors in Romania, member of the Advisory Board of Forum International of Cybersecurity, the leading European event on Cybersecurity, organized by French Gendarmerie and member of British Computer Society Elite. He acted as the Chairman and the Board member of the European CIO Association, EuroCIO until December 2021.
Yugo Neumorni graduated the Faculty of Automation in Bucharest and the Asebuss – Kennesaw State University EMBA program in 2009. He is CISA certified since 2001. He is speaker in IT international events.
Panel 3
Anne-Marie Martin – Director of British Chambers of Commerce
Anne-Marie Martin is currently leading the BCC’s global programme and network development strategy, and growth of BCC’s Global Business Network, a global ecosystem of practical support, and access to a trusted, known private sector led, reputable business partners via the British chamber of commerce network in the UK and across the world.
An experienced senior businessperson, Anne-Marie Martin has worked in industry and the not-for-profit sector at executive Board level over many years. Most recent roles have included that of former CEO of COBCOE, the Council of British Chambers of Commerce in Europe and before that CEO of the British Romanian Chamber of Commerce.
Michael McNeir, CEO of FORUM Financial Advisory & Training Solutions SRL
Michael McNeir is the CEO of FORUM Financial Advisory & Training Solutions SRL based in Bucharest, Romania. The business focuses on corporate and criminal law consultancy according to the client’s pain points, Investigations, Background compliance/due diligence checks plus training in Financial crime such as Criminal & Terrorism financing, fraud, asset recovery and dirty money and the links to Art and the London Property Market.
FORUM Financial Advisory & Training Solutions SRL is also working in collaboration with the prestigious Romanian boutique lawyers Enache, Pirtea and Associates here in Bucharest and KYC Global Technologies from the United Kingdom.
Cosmin Dinca – Manager International Trade, EY România
Cosmin is a senior consultant in the indirect tax practice within EY Romania. He started his career in 2010 in a Romanian transport company, focusing mainly on customs issues and the relationship with the customs authorities. He has over 10 years of experience in customs, international trade and excise duties, over 7 years in a Big 4 environment. Cosmin has a master’s degree – MBA obtained from the Academy of Economic Studies – Faculty of International Economic Relations in Bucharest (2011).
He has successfully coordinated over 20 projects for obtaining AEO status in companies from different industries in Romania. In 2018, he participated together with the European Commission in carrying out the AEO audit within a Romanian company.
Bogdan Mihailescu – Minister Counsellor and Head of the Economic and Commercial Department
Mr. Bogdan Mihailescu is Minister Counsellor and Head of the Economic and Commercial Department within the Embassy of Romania to the United Kingdom, a position he has held since April 2020. In this role he deals with the development of trade relations between the 2 countries, the support of Romanian companies in expanding their business on the UK market as well as the channeling of British investments in Romania.
Previously he was the personal adviser to the Minister for Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship, having been delegated to coordinate the public financing programs for SMEs. He was also involved in InvestRomania, a department within the Ministry for Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship – the Government’s leading body in promoting and facilitating foreign direct investments in Romania.
Mr. Mihailescu has a vast experience in private sector and entrepreneurship, having held top management positions in large companies such as Oracle Romania and SAP Romania from 1996 to 2007, as well as working as a business entrepreneur for more than 10 years in the IT&C sector.
During 2009, he was the President of the Governmental Agency in charge of the development and implementation of the National Strategy for Digital Agenda.
Nicolas Gheroghiades – COO and Director of the Alison Hayes Group
Nicolas Georghiades was born in Nicosia Cyprus in 1971. He has obtained a BA in Accounting and Financial Management from Essex University as well an MSC in Internal Audit and Management from City Business School. He is the COO and Director of the Alison Hayes Group, one of the leading UK companies designing and manufacturing clothes for the Top UK Retailers. The company has a significance presence in Romania, Moldova Vietnam and Sri Lanka. The Group has also entered Romanian market with a new division manufacturing medical and protective equipment.
Nicolas Georghiades is a non executive director (or served as one )at a number of public or private companies companies with significant presence in UK, Romania, and Cyprus. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts Manufactures and Commerce and the Chairman of Romania Cyprus bilateral Chamber of Commerce
Dan Schwartz – Co-Founder and the leading partner of RSM Romania
Dan Schwartz is the co-founder and the leading partner of RSM Romania, one of the most reputed professional services companies in Romania. Dan is a certified Tax Adviser, Financial Auditor, and a Romanian CPA, and he specializes in Transfer Pricing and International Taxation. He has an in-depth understanding of the Romanian business environment, having experienced first-hand, as an entrepreneur, the challenges of sustainability, scalability, and stability. He has honed his expertise as a tax adviser and as a business leader through education programs completed at HIID-Harvard University, Washington State University, George Washington University, and the Paris Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers.
Bronze Partner
Media Partners
Booking information
Tickets can be purchased online (via the following links) or by issuing a fiscal invoice.
Tickets fee:
200 RON- Member (VAT Included)
300 RON- Non-Members (VAT Included)
Terms & Conditions
Ticket fees available for physical participation only. Bookings are non-refundable after 15th of March, but at the discretion of the organiser, you can change the name of the person(s) attending.
As we are only allowed to welcome a limited number of participants, reservations are allocated in the order in which they are received.
Please be aware, that only registered participants can be admitted. So, please let us know if you can attend by registering below until the 4th of April.
Limited availability, members are prioritized.
For additional information or partnership opportunities reach out to
If you can’t join us on site, you can see the conference online by registering here.
Media Visibility
We are happy to announce that the forum generated some notable media appearances. You can access some of the articles at the links below:
- Calea Europeana – Forumul BRCC: România este țara din UE cu cea mai mare independență energetică și prezintă oportunități remarcabile de investiții
- Bursa: FORUMUL BRCC – ”România este ţară din UE cu cea mai mare independenţă energetică şi prezintă oportunităţi remarcabile de investiţii”
- Romania Libera – România este țara cu cea mai mare independență energetică din UE
- The Diplomat – BRCC Forum: Romania, the most energetic independent country in EU, the new investors heaven
An interview recorded with Mr. Dan Schwartz for Aleph Business can also be accessed at the following link.
All of the information presented above can also be found by checking the following media report: