Light into Europe is a non-profit organization with a mission to impact the lives of the Deaf or the Blind children, young People and adults in Romania, enabling them to maximise their potential and change their lives.
Our vision is to develop a national program that will help the Sensory impaired children and young people to enjoy the same opportunities, responsibilities, fulfillment and quality of life as their peers.
We aim to achieve this vision by:
– providing direct services and support to the schools for sensory impaired and families with sensory impaired children from our Resource Centre
– encouraging better education, training and employment of the blind and the deaf individuals in Romania
– changing the attitudes and social behavior towards sensory impaired persons
– being a catalyst for social and professional inclusion of the Sensory impaired people
Light into Europe works primarily in the fields of education, life skills and accessibility, through its six core programmes:
– Partners in education- educational services providing support for literacy, numeracy and other main curricular subject to teachers working with sensory impaired pupils.
– For every child matters- providing parents and professionals with the vital information and skills to develop activities to suit every child life skills and abilities
– Access to information- providing information and support in appropriate formats to children and young people with sensory impairments
– Equipped for living- developing the independent living Studios, course and training to professionals and providing equipment to sensory impaired children and young people
– Future focus- information, support/training and equipment for future employment
– Helping hands- volunteering program