e-VATplus is a recognized multidisciplinary firm providing international companies with tax, customs and accounting solutions to facilitate their business development in Europe. Our historical activity is based on our tax representation services for companies operating on the international market.

We propose to our customers established in or outside the European Union:

  • Assistance and realization of VAT audits: Our tax experts or accountants specialized in international trade carry out for each of our clients a mapping of their flows to determine their tax and VAT declaration obligations. During the audits, we review all their tax and accounting documents to determine their level of compliance and highlight the risks incurred.

  • VAT registration : As a tax representative or agent, we take care of all formalities for VAT registration, EORI of our clients in countries where they engage in taxable operations without being established there.

  • Management of tax and reporting obligations: Our “VAT compliance” department takes care of the declarative obligations of companies that carry out intra-Community or international flows: VAT declarations, Intrastats, EC Sales Lists, DEB, DES. As third-party declarants, our business managers file all their declarations in the various countries on behalf of our clients.

  • Foreign VAT recovery: We also handle claims for VAT refunds in Member States in which they are not established: we analyze their situation, check their purchase invoices, and then proceed to file the claims and follow up with the local administrations.

  • A Marketplace VAT service: Our consultants offer specific VAT support to companies that make distance sales in the EU via marketplaces such as Amazon: VAT compliance analysis, VAT registration in the Member States, OSS, IOSS…

In the continuity of our tax practice, we offer multidisciplinary skills combining traditional accounting, analysis of intra-community transactions and expertise in international taxation. In the digital age, e-VATplus renews business management with connected tools for a better accounting experience.


We take care of all your VAT issues