Business Resilience Through Strategic Development Black Sea and New Silk Road

Date:28/09/2023 6:00 pm
Location:Continental Forum Hotel, Constanta

The world is experiencing a level of disruption and business risk not seen in generations. Some companiesfreeze and fail, while others innovate, advance, and even thrive. The difference is resilience.

Moreover, we are now in a favourable international situation that can bring important economic advantages forRomania due to the Black Sea and the new Silk Road. It is time our country starts developing strategic economicpartnerships through which Romanian companies can offer foreign investors the opportunity to make long-termplans in Romania and the region.


Our esteemed speakers are:

  • Mehmet SUMEROGLU – SCEB President
  • Ruxandra SERESCU – General Director, Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture
  • Diana COJOCARU-BELTEU – Public Relations Specialist, Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture
  • Bogdan CAZAN –  Eastern Romanian Business Support Network Coordinator (part of Enterprise Europe Network)
  • Adrian MANEA – ICT Business Development Manager, Orange
  • Daniel GEORGESCU – Manager ACN

Moderator – Alexandru Debrezeni – President of SCEB Grand Council of Romania


Our distinguished event partners are:

Gold Partner: Cost Contab Group

Supporting Partners: MBS Group, Nomade Communication, MAPPS, Tzigaret Design, Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture

Media Partners: Bursa, TheBizz, eventsmax, The Diplomat, Business Mark.

Event language: Romanian


For more information about the events and the sponsorship opportunities, please contact:


Adriana Cocîrță – First Vice President


Anna Nastase – Events Manager




Press Release Romanian Version

Press Release English Version