
Meet the world’s first virtual PR Assistant

Promote your company in the media in an easy & accessible way, with guaranteed results.

The innovative app, available for both mobile & web, transforms the way companies and journalists communicate, by creating relevant and valuable content for both of them. We guarantee 3 media coverages for each press release generated with the app. Plus, the entire process is automated and very user friendly. Create your free account now https://web.2value.ro/auth/signup

What you get

  • Local and national media coverage – your company gets at least three media covarages, guaranteed, with just a few clicks
  • A more powerful brand – people and potential partners find out about your company and its business profile in a professional way
  • Better informed clients – your company’s  messages become more relevant, credible and visible precisely for your target audience
  • Higher sales – scale their business to the next level and grow your sales by using an accessible type of promotion

Case study

  • The client

The owner of a local fintech company specialised in custom software

  • The need

As with any emerging niche business, the owner was struggling to gain visibility on the market, generate media coverage with affordable costs, and schedule demos on her new software product. Prior to working with 2value, the company had been investing only in Social Media – Facebook and LinkedIn – and was reluctant and concerned about managing media relations and contacting journalists.

  • Generated results

In less than one week, 2value helped her generate 10 media coverages on well established online news platforms and secure a demo with a top industry client who had reached out to her after having seen the press release. Also, the owner noticed a significant increase in the number of accounts being created by new users for her software.