
Highlights from the Task Forces
 Agriculture: In the first 6 months of the year, the TF focused its attention on research centers and education, tabulation of the farm land, cadastre law, the modernization of irrigation system, the Mutual Fund, biomass and environment authorization.
 Education: Continuing its initiatives launched at the beginning of the year, Mariuca Talpes, TF Leader, presented the TF’s priorities and achievements in the first semester of 2018, at the CDR Plenary on 13th of June. Among them, the most advanced are: the annual info graphic with indicators regarding Education; an interactive online map for vocational education and PR campaign for the teacher profession. Connected to these initiative, the TF had meetings with several representatives of related projects, for common grounds and mutual support for sustainable impact. At the same time, the TF is preparing a meeting with the National Education Minister on common priorities and is preparing 2 position papers regarding the National Agency for Dual Education (recently established) and the minimum compulsory practice hours for college students, in companies. Together with TF EU Funds, members of the TF are part of a working group on grants for employers and other EU Funds, set by TF Labour, which met with ANOFM representatives and sent proposals for projects that could be financed on POCU.
Energy: The Energy Task Force has had monthly task force meetings to discuss the priorities agreed to be tackled during this year and the means to address these topics with the Energy Minister. Most recently, the Task Force has reviewed a position paper prepared by FIC on the subject of vulnerable consumers, while a second position paper on a new co-generation scheme is currently being elaborated by the task force members. It is envisaged to liaise with the Energy Minister in order to present the co-generation position paper in September.
Entrepreneurship: On the 18th of June, the TF has issued and sent a letter and a position paper regarding the risk evaluation law, to the Internal Affairs Minister, on behalf of CDR. The matter was presented and it was requested the extend of the deadline from 1th July 2018 and then the content of the law was discussed. The technical aspects can be found in the position paper, presented also at the meeting with Mr. Dragnea and Mr. Tariceanu, detailed below. After the term of 1st of July, MAI sent an official response to our letter, rejecting CDR’s requests as unnecessary. The modifications proposals process will be continued in the following period, in order to depressurize the business sector from the unjustified additional costs with the risk analyzes. This position is part of the simplification priorities of the TF, presented at the CDR Plennary Meeting, by Mr. Florin Jianu, President of CNIPMMR, replacing Mr. Liviu Rogojinaru, TF Leader. Currently, the TF is updating the list of simplification measures and preparing positions on the topic, such as eliminating the dossier between the price of Romanian companies in a group and carrying out corporate tax group (with TF Taxation) or updates of the competition law.

 Environment: On 29th June the TF sent suggestions on construction and demolition waste to the Ministry of the Environment with two best practices guides from the United Kingdom and Spain. In July,  an example of a proposal to start separate waste collection at blocks of flats and a document on municipal waste management in the Netherlands was filed with the Ministry of Environment.

 European Funds: On 18th of June, EU Funds Task Force met Rovana PLUMB,  Vladimir ROVINTESCU, general director AM POCU, and Ana-Maria BUSONIU, deputy director AM POCU, in order to discuss on general and specific recommendations on calls 3.8 and 3.12. The discussions were focused on: transparency, a better communication with the beneficiaries, and the reallocation of the funds considering the complementary of the programs, and the necessity of some rules regarding the cases of postponing the calls (on POCU and POC). During the meeting, the Ministry agreed with EU Funds Task Force proposal: increasing the period between the guide’s approval and the moment when the call is launched in MySMIS.  The EU Funds Task Force met the Ministry of Public Finance last week, and will send comments regarding the new scheme HG 807. Meetings with Catalin Gheran, General Director AM POIM and Audit Authority and Romanian Court of Accounts will take place in the next period.

Healthcare: The Healthcare Task Force has finalized 5 position papers on topics of paramount importance for the sector: (1) main challenges of the healthcare system; (2) strategy on elderly; (3) reversing the pyramid: more ambulatory services; (4) managed-entry agreements; (5) ANMDM self-financing. The task force has submitted a meeting request to Ministry of Health in early June. While waiting for the meeting, the task force is also focusing its forces on finishing a couple of other position documents which shall be presented to the Ministry: (1) parallel trade of drugs; (2) telemedicine; (3) Private insurances and medical subscriptions; (4) Increasing % of GDP allocated to health and (5) prevention.

 ICT: The Task Force met the representatives of the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing to discuss the actual stage of the legislation. The representatives of the Authority are open to cooperate and establish regular meetings but starting with second part of the year and to partnership on a public education project. Also, their recommendation was to draft Codes of Conduct for every industry. The Task Force intended to set up a meeting with the Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration, jointly with the representatives of ANCOM, but the letter was redirected to a Secretary of State who invited us at a public debate on this subject (on a very short notice).

 Infrastructure: The Infrastructure Task Force  members met in April with the Minister of Transports and  in May with  PNL  experts in order to  see ways of collaboration. On the 5th of June, the Task Force organized on Round Table with the representatives from the construction sector, a joint initiative with the Minister of Transport, Mr. Lucian Șova, whose aim was to identify the issues that are holding back major infrastructure projects. This reunion concluded with: a list of measures sent to the Ministry, the creation of a common working group between our members and representative from the ministry and the initiative to create a National Pact for Infrastructure. At the same time, the Task Force members agreed a framework of collaboration with professional associations in the field, which have agreed to help with expertise. In which concerns the legislative aspect, we are working  on a final form of a subcontracting law.

 Labour: On 21st May, the Labour TF sent a letter regarding the minimum salary for non-UE workers to the Minister of Labour. In parallel, the task force also sent to the Senate’s Committees comments and suggestions regarding the draft laws amending the regime of foreigners. Together with EU Funds TF and Education TF, Labour TF set a working group on grants for employers and other EU Funds which met with ANOFM representatives and sent proposals for projects that could be financed on POCU. TF Labour representatives attended several debates regarding the draft law on internship organised by the Labour Committee from the Chamber of Deputies. CDR representatives attended also two meetings with the working group on labour force organised by CNP. Labour TF sent to ITM and CNP proposed measures for simplification regarding labour and comments and suggestions regarding the Law on Health and Security in Labour. In the meantime, TF also sent to the Ministry of Labour a letter regarding the rights of persons with disabilities. On 21st June, the Labour TF met with the Parliament Members representing USR in the Labour Committees of the Parliament. Also, on 25th June the Labour TF met with the Parliament Members representing PNL in the Labour Committees of the Parliament.

 Taxation: The task force met with Minister of Finance, Eugen Teodorovici, on 11th May and on 18th June. Several aspects were discussed and most of them were followed up with position papers or other proposals. On 11th May, CDR explained that there are various logistical and legislative issues which are causing delays in the implementation of electronic cash registers. Following CDR’s position paper (and technical annex) the Ministry decided to allow several extra months for implementation.  In the past two months the task force has also supported the Ministry in recalculating the impact assessment for the interest rate deductibility ceiling from ATAD.  CDR hopes that following the new analysis the Ministry will raise the ceiling. The task force continued discussion on fiscal consolidation. The main principles of the future fiscal regime were agreed with the Ministry of Finance. As a consequence, CDR shared a letter and a legislative proposal with the Ministry of Finance. Last but not least the task force carried out an extensive exercise in order to centralize all proposals for improving the Fiscal Code and Fiscal Procedure Code. The two sets of amendments were shared with the Ministry and currently CDR’s specialized tax groups (on each chapter of the Fiscal Code) are engaged in the public debates on amending the two codes.

 Tourism: The Tourism TF is concerned about the lack of working force within the industry. The TF has been focused on the Tourism Law (which is now within the Senate commissions) and the OMD (Organizatia de Management a Destinatiei) law.

Highlights Steering Committee

➜ There was a meeting with Mr. Liviu Dragnea and Mr. Calin Popescu Tariceanu, where CDR presented the following points of the agenda:

  • Working force: is necessary to have a plan of action for short, medium and long term. Of short-term actions were mentioned both topics such as students practice, incentives for mothers returning to work from maternity leave, as well as the liberalization of the labor market in relation to human resources (non-EU quota, procedures, minimum wage). CDR announced the launch a campaign of public awareness on the necessity of this liberalization to prevent future economic deadlocks. CDR is available with expertise on this matter for the Ministry of Work and request an urgent meeting with the minister Lia Olguța Vasilescu. A position paper was giving in on this matter. There was a discussion on the possibility of making some expenses necessary for the relocation of the employee (transport, accommodation, food) deductible.
  • Risk evaluation (Evaluarea la risc): the matter was presented and it was requested the extend of the deadline from 1th July 2018 and then the content of the law was discussed. The technical aspects can be found in the position paper presented at the meeting.
  • Competition law (Legea concurenței): the matter was presented and CDR gave in also a position paper.

Ruxandra Jianu, the leader of the Taxation Task Force, presented more themes regarding taxation, keeping in sight the constant dialogue with the Minister of Finance, respective with the minister Eugen Teodorovici. Among others were mentioned:
1.       The modernization and digitalization of ANAF.
2.    The recalibration of the relation between ANAF and the taxpayers (the modifications of the Tax Procedure Code – Codului de Procedură Fiscală).
3.       Simplification measures, such as eliminating the dossier between the price of Romanian companies in a group and carrying out corporate tax group.
There were constructive discussions on these themes and it was decided that the dialogue and the communication should be intensified in order to eliminate the misunderstandings and to intensify reciprocal trust.

Press actions
➜ Following the round table with the Transport Minister, Mr. Lucian Sova, CDR elaborated a press release that can be found here.
➜ The press conference on the pillar II pensions fund can be watched here.
➜ The press release elaborated after the press conference regarding the second pillar pensions can be found here

CDR Plenary 
➜ The Plenary meeting of CDR took place on 13th June 2018
➜ The status of the TFs presented within the Plenary can be found here.