
The National Public Speaking Competition in English stands as the flagship program of the English Speaking Union Romania, representing the pinnacle of public speaking excellence in the country. Established in 1996, it has evolved from a modest initiative involving a few schools in Bucharest to becoming the oldest and most prestigious public speaking competition in Romania. Today, it boasts an impressive participation of over 4000 students annually.

The competition is organized by the The English Speaking Union Romania (“Uniunea Vorbitorilor de Limbă Engleză – România” – www.esu.ro), a non-governmental organization founded in 1996 and affiliated with the international organization “The English Speaking Union – ESU,” headquartered in London (www.esu.org.). With branches in 53 countries, ESU aims to promote international cooperation and understanding through the medium of the English language.

Aligned with the activities of ESU branches worldwide, the annual National Public Speaking Competition invites students aged between 16 and 20 to showcase their oratory skills. The competition follows a thematic approach, with a specific topic chosen each year. Participants engage in National Competitions, and winners advance to the International Finals held in London every May. The chosen theme for the 2024 competition is “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” ESU Romania runs the largest competition among all ESU branches and has also extended the competition to ages 12 – 15.

The National Public Speaking Competition serves as a platform for young minds to express themselves, fostering critical thinking, effective communication, and leadership skills. Beyond its educational impact, the competition also contributes to the broader goal of ESU in promoting global cooperation and understanding.

As a testament to its rich history and enduring significance, the National Public Speaking Competition in English remains a cornerstone in the development of articulate and empowered individuals. By encouraging participants to articulate their thoughts on global issues, the competition plays a pivotal role in shaping the future leaders and communicators of Romania, connecting them to a global network through the common language of English.

If you are interested to participate, please RSVP at office@esu.ro