The British School of Bucharest, founded in 2000, is an international British school providing the National Curriculum of England to girls and boys aged 2-18 in Romania. Unique amongst Bucharest schools, all of our teachers are first-language English speakers with experience of teaching the British Curriculum.
Monitored and inspected by the International Schools Inspectorate, BSB provides an education of the highest quality. The final qualification in Year 13, the A-Level, is globally recognised and allows access to universities worldwide. With increasing globalisation it is becoming even more important for parents to be able to secure a high standard of education and National Curriculum of England and its values remain as highly regarded as ever.
In the latest UK Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) report the inspectors judged British School of Bucharest to be ‘Excellent’, which is at the top of the scale used. British School of Bucharest is the only British School in Romania rated as ‘Excellent’ for both ‘the quality of pupils’ learning and achievements’ and ‘the quality of pupils’ personal development’.