
ATG Group is an environmental waste solutions provider with its Head Office in Northern Ireland, offices across the UK and, more recently, in Romania – servicing Central Europe. Managing, protecting, and restoring the environment is embedded across our Group.  We have received many awards for sustainability, including the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development.  Formed in 2006 by Microbiologist, Dr. Mark McKinney, we deliver innovative solutions to complex land challenges, whilst reducing the impact on the environment.  Dr. McKinney is recognised as one of the leading authorities for sustainable site remediation and spill response techniques around the UK & Ireland.

ATG Group has, so far, invested £1.6 million in R&D.  As a result, more than 250,000 tonnes of waste have been diverted from landfill and over 1.3 million tonnes of CO2 have been saved.  We are exceptionally proud that our present 94% conversion on diversion from landfill is 94% and we seek to continually improve on this.

LockedIn® is our soil stabilisation method.  Using safe chemical technology, LockedIn® locks pollutants into contaminated soil, enabling developers to safely re-use soil on-site, removing the need for dig and dump.  Over the last 3 years, we have been working on solutions for emerging water contaminants PFOS and PFAS – more commonly known as ‘Forever Chemicals’. Totalling some 4,700 manmade chemicals, forever chemicals are of great concern due to their longevity and mobility – and by their potential health implications for the human body.

Key Services:

    • Contaminated Land Solutions
    • Site Remediation
    • Emergency Spill Response
    • Environmental Claims
    • Invasive Plant Species
    • Soil Stabilisation
    • Water Contamination
    • Groundworks Consultation & Delivery
    • Subsidence

If you wish to discuss any of our services please contact S-P O’Mahony on +40 733 106 207 or s-p.omahony@ATG-Group.co.uk.  We are established in Timisoara with offices there and in Cluj.