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Macroeconomic updates for 2023 in Romania
BRCC, together with Banca Transilvania, is delighted to invite you to our upcoming conference “Macroeconomic updates for 2023 in Romania”. Discover the main macroeconomic forecast from our experts at Banca Transilvania. After a strong 2022, Romania’s economy is set to...
BRCC Awards Gala
The British Romanian Chamber of Commerce is delighted to announce the launch of the BRCC AWARDS GALA, recognising the champions of 2022 in business, NGO’s and Education. The awards gala dinner will take place on the 26th of January at the Marriott Hotel,...
Christmas Drinks
The British Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC) invites you to our Christmas networking evening on the 15th of December at the amazing Marmorosch Hotel. Join us for a celebration as we also toast our community here, as well as projects that will promote the bilateral...
Christmas Drinks in London
Let’s celebrate this winter in a business fashion and spend some quality time exchanging ideas on our common professional & business interests. We kindly invite you to join us on the 9th December, starting with 18.30 at The Refinery. Proudly sponsored by MPR...
New Horizons for UK – Romania Trade and Investment – second edition
The British Romanian Chamber of Commerce and the Romanian Embassy in the United Kingdom, together with the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce will host a conference entitled “New Horizons for UK – Romania Trade and Investment – 2nd edition” on the 17th of...
Live & Work in the United Kingdom
Learn about the UK's attractive residency visas for entrepreneurs and business investors from experienced London-based immigration experts Visa Kings Global. Discover how business visas can allow you, as well as your dependent family to live and work in the UK and...
Protecția salariaților în cazul transformărilor societare ale angajatorilor
Contextul contemporan al relațiilor de muncă impune o mai strânsă colaborare între salariați și angajatori și o informare reciprocă și continuă cu privire la activitatea și soarta angajatorului. Salariații nu mai sunt doar niște simpli executanți ai atribuțiilor de...
Drinks and Nibbles
The British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce, together with our friends from the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Romania, has the honor to invite you to our autumn offline event, “Drinks and Nibbles”, on the 03rd of November for a stunning evening with...
NOA Community Day – a tax&internal audit webinar
Hello, For the second year in a row, NOA Group is organizing the webinar on tax and internal audit for the Romanian business communities - professional associations and bilateral chambers. NOA Group is a company offering high-expertise services in business consulting,...
Football Masterclasses 2022
The British Football School proudly presents football masterclasses at Cambridge School of Bucharest on Saturday, 29 October. Discover your child’s passion for football and sign up for your free masterclass by Wednesday, 26 October...
Future trends in the healthcare industry
The British Romanian Chamber of Commerce will host a conference on the 22th September to convene public sector representatives, local government officials, the private sector, multilateral organizations and prominent medical institutions to discuss the latest...
Autumn Mixer Event
The British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce, together with Regus Romania, has the honor to invite you to our offline event, “Autumn Mixer Event”, on the 08th of September for a stunning evening with special drinks, qualitative networking and joyful surprises in one of...
OPEN GARDEN under the Sky | Austrian-British Summer Vibes
British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC) together with our friends from the ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA are delighted to invite you to an informal and relaxed get-together for the Austrian and British business communities, our friends and partners. OPEN GARDEN under the Sky...
Casual Drinks on a Monday
Dear friends, Let’s celebrate this summer in a business fashion and spend some quality time exchanging ideas on our common professional & business interests. Organised in cooperation with the UK chapter of the British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce, the premier...
BRCC Garden Event
BRCC is delighted to invite you to our flagship event: Garden Networking Event, our biggest networking event of the year! We are eager to meet you on July 7th, starting with 6 PM, at Crowne Plaza Bucharest (Bulevardul Poligrafiei 1). We will expect you with ambient...
Summer Drinks with AmCham Romania & BRCC
British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC) together with our colleagues from Amcham Romania are delighted to invite you to a relaxed networking event for the Business Community, our friends, and partners. When? Thursday, June 23rd, 2022, from 6.00 pm to...
Living in the 21st century, you might have often come across the word ‘data analytics’. Currently, it is one of the most buzzing terminologies because the amalgamation of an increasingly complicated world, the vast proliferation of data and the pressing desire to stay...
Insolvency Milestones
BRCC, in partnership with MPR Partners, is organizing on the 9th of June, starting with 15.00 the webinar Insolvency Milestones. As in many other European jurisdictions, Romanian insolvency proceedings are court led, namely contentious, entailing a certain...
Oportunități de finanțare nerambursabile 2022
Antreprenorii din România sunt încurajați în continuare să acceseze fonduri europene pentru dezvoltarea afacerii. Participă la conferința organizată de Goodwill Consulting - în parteneriat cu BRCC, unde vei primi informații legate de toate programele nerambursabile...
WEBINAR LIVE 12 mai 2022 – Aspecte importante pentru închiderea anului financiar
BRCC în colaborare cu NOA, societate ce activează în aria consultanței de business, consultanței fiscal, consultanței în prețuri de transfer, dar și audit intern, organizează în data de 12 mai 2022, începând cu ora 10:00 un webinar pentru membrii BRCC. WEBINARUL își...
Sustainability in 2022: Climate action trends and ESG practices in the private sector
Climate change is no longer just a scientific concern, it is a reality that has become increasingly mainstreamed in energy security and environmental policies, representing one of the defining challenges of the 21st century. The call for climate action and...
BRCC Networking Mixer Event
The British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce, together with International British School of Bucharest has the pleasure to invite you to our offline event, “BRCC Networking Mixer”, on the 19th of April for a networking evening with special...
Spring Mixer Event
The British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce, together with Betfair Romania, has the honour to invite you to our offline event, “Spring Mixer Event”, on the 14th of April for a stunning evening with special drinks, qualitative networking and joyful surprises in one of the...
BRCC FORUM: New Horizons for UK-Romania Trade and Investment – Bucharest, 2022 Edition
The hybrid conference explores new investment opportunities in Romania while showcasing mutual best practices to enable and encourage business links between the UK and Romania. Key speakers from both public and private sectors will discuss how to build resilience for...
How to protect against Ransomware
BRCC, together with Ixodron invites you on the 22nd of March, starting with 10am on our latest webinar on cyber securtity. In recent years, headlines about cyber security have become increasingly common. Thieves steal customer social security numbers from...
Despre forța majoră în executarea contractelor, din perspectiva jurisprudenței recente
BRCC, împreuna cu STOICA & Asociatii vă invita în data de 15 Martie 2022, începand cu ora 10.00 la un webinar despre forța majoră în executarea contractelor, din perspectiva jurisprudenței recente. Subiecte cheie: Problemele practice determinate de restricțiile...
BRCC House of Commons Reception
Time: 6:30-10:00 PM Venue: Churchill Room, House of Commons, Palace of Westminster | London Member Price: £60.00 Non-Member Price: £80.00 Dress Code: Business Attire Register here. Directions Instructions We are delighted to request the presence of your company at our...
Diversity & Inclusion in 2022
Diversity and inclusion are core values of the UNDP and as such, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development promises to "leave no one behind". In September 2015, Romania joined the other 193 UN Member States at the Summit on Sustainable Development and as such,...
Business & professional mixer in a casual atmosphere | London
Let’s celebrate the start of Spring in a business fashion and spend some quality time exchanging ideas on our common professional & business interests. Our mission is to facilitate and increase trade between the United Kingdom and Romania through...
Waste Management on the local market in 2022
Without doubt, energy security and climate change are major economic and political issues of the 21st century and thus, they can be found at the very top of the transatlantic cooperation agenda among other topics of great concern such as global health and the fight...
Make the most of your investment in CRM
The multitude of offerings available in the CRM space makes it difficult for companies to sort through hype, brand, and real capabilities that would fit their needs and processes. With an extensive experience in this field, Retina accelerates and optimizes the...
“Cloud on Your Terms”– Hyperconvergent Infrastructure for Your Private Datacenter webinar
BRCC, together with Ixodron are delighted to invite you to join us on the 8th of February, from 10 AM for “Cloud on Your Terms”– Hyperconvergent Infrastructure for Your Private Datacenter webinar. About the webinar: The world has changed a lot in the last 24 months....
Best Practices in 2021
Camera de Comerț și Industrie Prahova (CCI) și British – Romanian Chamber of Commerce din Bucuresti (BRCC – Camera de Comert Romano - Britanica) au plăcerea de a va invita la Seminarul online ”Best Practices in 2021” care va avea loc marti, 1 februarie 2022, intre...
BRCC Royal New Year’s Gala
You are warmly invited to join the BRCC’s Royal New Year’s Gala on the 27th of January, at JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel as we kick-off the New Year! Join us for an unforgettable evening, where you will enjoy an exquisite dinner, unique networking opportunities,...
Important notice regarding the Annual General Meeting of the BRCC and nominations for election of directors at the AGM
Dear members of the British Romanian Chamber of Commerce, On behalf of my fellow directors, may I wish you all a successful 2022, which we hope may see the end of the current pandemic. Notwithstanding the pandemic and the measures intended to limit the spread of the...
Doing Business in Romania – Trading Opportunities with Wales
British Romanian Chamber of Commerce is delighted to invite you to join our 5th edition of Doing Business in Romania Series, in partnership with Chambers Wales South East, South West and Mid and supported by the Romanian Embassy in the UK, North-East Regional...
A practical guide to transparency under GDPR
The BRCC and MPR Partners are delighted to invite you to a complimentary webinar to discuss in detail about the transparency obligation under the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Tackling an abundant selection of useful information, Senior Privacy &...
BRCC Christmas Drinks in London
The British Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC) invites you to our Christmas networking evening, organised with the kind support of the Romanian Embassy and the Romanian Cultural Institute. Join us for a double celebration as we also toast our growing community here,...
Răspunderea pentru securitatea și sănătatea în muncă a salariaților
În cadrul sistemului complex al relațiilor de muncă, asigurarea securității și sănătății în muncă a lucrătorilor (SSM) reprezintă cea mai dificilă sarcină a angajatorilor. Obligațiile acestora sunt continue, pentru că trebuie să elaboreze instrucțiuni de fiecare...
Doing Business in Romania, 4th Edition
On this occasion, we invite you to join our 4th edition of Doing Business in Romania Series, in partnership with Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, on the 17th November, starting with 14:00 UK time/ 16:00 RO Time. Learn more from our top experts on the business...
Provocările beneficiilor pentru angajați în contextul pandemic
BRCC împreună cu GROUPAMA vă invită la un seminar de o oră pe Zoom, în care veți afla diferențele dintre abonamentul medical și asigurarea de sănătate și cum să alegeți beneficiile de Wellbeing corespunzătoare, pentru a vă motiva angajații, pentru a-i păstra și a-i...
Business Opportunities through Connects
The British Romanian Chamber of Commerce, together with the Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce & Amcham Romania are delighted to invite your to our joint-webinar on CONNECTS Platform. The webinar will take place on the 9th of November...
Increasing profitability with RPA
The BRCC, together with Ixodron, invites you to our one-hour Zoom webinar, in which you will learn the importance of RPA in today’s digital transformation process and how companies can maximize its use to the fullest. During the webinar we will talk about RPA (robotic...
How to communicate efficiently with a remote team
The BRCC invites you to our one-hour Zoom webinar, in which you will learn how to communicate in a productive and dynamic way with your team from miles apart. Maybe we already began to feel like “the new normal” for that the majority of us working and engaging in...
Autumn Drinks
The BRCC, together with SPACES Romania, kindly invites you to their joint event, “Autumn Drinks”, on the 13th of October for a evening with special drinks, qualitative networking and joyful surprises in one of the most interesting co-working spaces in Bucharest. The...
Open Garden Under the Sky
British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC) together with our colleagues from ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA are delighted to invite you to an informal and relaxed get-together for the Business Community, our friends and partners. OPEN GARDEN under the Sky | Austrian-British...
BRCC GOLF & FAMILY DAY – 2nd edition
The British Romanian Chamber of Commerce will host the second BRCC Golf & Family Day Event at Izvor de Golf (Șoseaua București-Ploiești, Gorgota 107275) on July 31st , starting with 10.00 AM. This event is an opportunity for marketing purposes, meeting potential...
BRCC Summer Garden Event
BRCC is delighted to invite you to our Garden Networking Event! Be our guest for the first offline networking event of 2021! We are eager to meet you on July 15th, starting at 6 PM, at Crowne Plaza Bucharest (Bulevardul Poligrafiei 1). We will expect you with ambient...
Noi oportunitati de optimizare fiscala
Camera de Comerț Britanică-Română, împreună cu Camera de Comerț Elenă-Română vă invită la webinar-ul «Noi oportunități de optimizare fiscală», care va avea loc în data de 16 iunie 2021, începând cu ora 10:30, în mediul online. Discuția va cuprinde două teme de...
Oportunități pentru diaspora: Piața muncii din România în 2021
Camera de Comerț Britanică-Română, împreună cu RePatriot și Liga Studenților Români din Străinătate - LSRS, vă invită la webinar-ul «Oportunități pe piața muncii în 2021», care va avea loc în data de 10 iunie 2021, începând cu ora 17:30, în mediul online. ...