For all those who believe (or who would like to believe) that universal peace is not an utopia, but an inevitable event that will become reality only through the involvement of each one of us, Inovatii Sociale Regina Maria Foundation is organizing on September 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the premises of Enayati Medical City, its emblematic charity gala “From the Heart to the Future”, with the theme “Imagine Peace, then Create it!”.
We are inviting you to an evening where we will look to the future together, at the 9th year in which top managers, entrepreneurs, ambassadors and public figures will join forces to offer the most beautiful gift: the right to a dignified life for thousands of people in need and suffering, beneficiaries of the Foundation.
- 29.400 medical examinations offered to Romanian patients in 2021 and free medical examinations, treatments and needed medications about 2000 to Ukrainian refugees since the beginning of the war till now;
- 230 Romanian children better educated, happier and receiving daily proper food in 20021, in addition to 150 Ukrainian children that found in the educational centres of our foundation a safe, warm and welcoming environment.
A complicated year, but a year that we are going through step-by-step along with you, our partners, by our side.
More about the foundation activity on 2021 find here.
We invite you, therefore, to become partners of the Gala, either through a sponsorship package or through individual participation.
The very special moment in the event will be the FASHION SHOW managed by Alin Gălățescu on the sounds of Jezebel’s recital and we promise a lot of fun during the live auction.
More details about the event are available here.
The sponsorship packages information is offered here.
The auction CATALOGUE can be seen on this page, but please take into consideration that until the date of the event, the page will be constantly updated.
For confirmation or more information: